Tracking Week 4 Homework 1-10-09

It has been snowing all night and day and I have gone out and laid a very tough track for my dogs. I did practice earlier this week and all of the dogs seemed to be handling some harder turns. I have decided to add some terrain changes. On this track the dog will have to go through an opening in the hedge at location #1. They will then have to go over our old wood pile at location #2. Then it is on to a lightly wooded area for location #3 before crossing back over the wood pile at #4. The track through the woods is very twisty and there are several tough turns on the track.

Dynamite was the second dog to go on this track today. She was awesome working from start to finish without any problems, other than pulling her dad over the slippery ice.  The woods did not seem to create any problems with her at all. Happy Tracking!

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