Disco weekend Adventure Begins 2-20-09

Well I am off to upstate New York to judge this weekend. We took yesterday off from training as both Disco and I needed a day away from any formal work. I spent the day designing courses as Disco spent the day being a dog. Today we are packing and heading for the trial. I am taking Disco along so he can do some runs tonight on a different surface and at a different place and more importantly he can hang out in the hotel room with me. As you can see Disco is really looking forward to this:

I am not sure if I will have a computer wireless up there this weekend but promise to update the blog with our weekend adventure as soon as I can. I am hoping to get someone to video our runs tonight so I can also post those. I will have access to email and Facebook with my I-phone just in case anyone needs to contact me. I hope everyone has a great weekend.
Now “Go Weave”